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9005050500   Get away to gamification
2020-2021   Curs telemàtic (en línia asíncron). Primària-Secundària
   8/2/2021 - 19/3/2021 (20 hores) de h a h
   VT Curs a distància
   _ (A distància) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Asíncron
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
Tipus activitat   LF21 GET AWAY TO GAMIFICATION!
Inscripció   08/01/2021 - 19/01/2021
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Have you ever felt that gamifying a hard task it became softer? Gamification has always been appealing and nowadays it provides us as educators with a powerful tool for catalyzing attention and focus on competency-based approach. Contextualizing the learning objectives in a game setting combining rules, rewards, challenges, surprises, will reach engagement and full participation The empowerment of students through soft skills to succeed is granted.. Along this distance learning course we will be aware of how all the stakeholders in education benefit from playing to learn and we will favour to be hooked by fun and then rewarded with knowledge . You will be able to design and use the most suitable tools and resources to connect your students to curriculum on the basis of the game.
Objectius   - To use digital technologies in effective learning collaboratively
- To update and improve your digital pedagogical competence through experimentation and peer-learning.
- To use digital technologies for formative or summative assessment.
- To create your own gamification projects .
Continguts   Module 0 - Key concepts of Game-based learning and Gamification. How can they help learners in self-determined learning?
Module 1- First steps to design and gamify our teaching. Settings, platforms and tools to benefit learning through the game rather than learning before the game.
Module 2 - Elements included in breakout edu and escape room experiences.
Module 3 - Resources to create and assess your own project attached to your teaching and diversity.
Module 4 - Sharing your projects and enriching your proposals.
Observacions   Google Meet sessions (1h aprox. per session):

1. 10th February between 17:15h and 19:30h.
2. 24th February between 17:15h and 19:30h.
3. 10th March between 17:15h and 19:30h.
Formador/a   Lluïsa Forján
Avaluació   - Positive attainment of the course activities.
- Satisfaction questonnaire.
Requisits de  certificació   - Positive attainment of the course activities.
- Satisfaction questonnaire.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary and Secondary teachers with a B2 minimum.
1. Disposar d'usuari XTEC actiu.
2. Haver certificat les activitats de formació adjudicades durant aquest curs acadèmic i l'anterior.
Criteris específics d’adjudicació. Les sol•licituds admeses s'ordenaran en funció de:
1.Vinculació al centre de treball 2.1.Funcionari 2.2.Interí 2.3. Substitut
2.Nivell de llengua C2,C1, B2.
Si ets docent d'un centre concertat, municipal o les acreditacions d’especialitat i/o nivell de llengua (C2,C1 o B2) requerides a la convocatòria no consten a l’ATRI, caldrà omplir aquest FORMULARI dins del període de sol•licitud.
Consulteu: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017
E-mail   formlle@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent